Friday, December 10, 2010

Notes From Exit 244

This blog will be a foray into a new way of communicating to the world for me and my family.  
I have a beautiful wife and three fascinatingly complex children - each unique in his or her own special 
way.  We have two boys, and a girl in the middle.  We have what probably used to be a rare
family setup, but what nowadays isn't so uncommon.  Wife's family has never experienced divorce, 
but my side is rife with it.  I have 6 siblings; yet no two of us share the same two biological parents.  My sisters and brothers are scattered all over the Northeast.  Wife's siblings (three sisters) are mostly within 5 miles.  Wife has no remaining grandparents.  I am down to two from six.  On her side, we have niece who's a mom.  On my side, the oldest cousin is our 8 yr old son - who also has Autism.  Our daily lives read like the 
script for a sitcom you might see on television, so we thought we might have some things to offer the 
world at large.  Sometimes it's our take on the happenings of the world, sometimes it's a funny story
or anecdote from the world of parenting, could be a poignant moment only fully appreciated by a parent
of a child with special needs.  Nonetheless, welcome to Notes from Exit 244.